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How can a Teacher BE CERTIFIED?

1) If you are a Yoga teacher with a degree from a EYF Certified School you can join as a member and be part of the Census of Certified Teachers listed in the web with your data.
2) If you are a Yoga Teacher non recognized by the EYF and would like to obtain a certified degree, you can start the procedures.


1) The Yoga teachers qualified from a certified EYF schools can send their personal information to be listed in the web, filling in the appropriate Application.
2) The Yoga teachers non-qualified by a EYF certified schools can send the curriculum giving details of his/her trayectory & experience, to start the procedures wich will allow them to obtain the certification. Information to be sent to:


Senior Teacher

Jadranko Miklec (Croatia)

Yogacharya, Yoga and Ayurveda therapist, teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi's Vedic Science, Vanaushadhi Bhishagacharya (Herbal Scientist), President of Institute for Yoga and Ayurveda „SUN“.
Jadranko Miklec teaches Yoga in Europe, America and other continents (India, China). He gained knowledge about Yoga from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, A.G. Mohan – direct disciple of Shri T. Krishnamacharya, Maharishi Swami Dev Murti, Yogacharya Dr. Mukund Bhole, other Yogacharyas and his own insights which he gained trough the long practice and discovering deeper understanding of Yoga. He wrote 6 books about yoga. Also he has experience with the application of Yoga and Ayurveda to sport (tenis, football, diver, yudo, volley-ball, etc.).

For teaching yoga Jadranko is cooperating with Maharishi Akademie Für Vedische Wissenschaft; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ayurveda; Hochschulsport – Institut für Sportiwssendchaft der Universitӓt Tübingen in Germany; Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, India; The Lonavla Yoga Institute – India; BPCA'S College of Physical Education Mumbai; Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, College of Physical Education Pune; Savitribai Phule Pune University; European Yoga Federation and World Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda; Centenary College New Jersey (USA) and Academy for Living Healthy in America.

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Amelia Devī Rozzi (Italy)

Yoga teacher and Holistic Practitioner (massage therapist and naturopath). Direct student of Master Amadio Bianchi (Swami Suryananda Saraswati) and Swami Ramaswarupananda (DLS).
Founder and President of Artemisia asd – The Art in Harmony and Wellbeing, located in Lanciano (Italy), that periodically also deals with organizing thematic meetings with various masters and with the help of various artists to experience the union between Yoga and Art: theatre, singing, music.
She has always been a curious traveller, scholar, a lover and researcher of the foundations of different cultures, ancient traditions, philosophical concepts, forms of language and artistic expressions... among the favourite quotes: "The most fascinating journey is within oneself", and the famous Gandhi’s "BE the change you want to see in the world".

Holistic Therapist for over 20 years; she is expert in: Holistic Massage having achieved the Qualification in Holistic Massage, Anatomy and Physiology by the Massage Training Institute in London (U.K), Sports Massage by the “School of Sport CONI”and A.I.M.S. and “D’Annunzio University” in Chieti, Bioenergetic baby Massage (Gentle Butterfly touch) Eva Reich’s technique awarded by the Reich’s Institute of Rome, and Ayurvedic Massage. She is also a Qualified Naturopath by the EFOA (European Federation of Oriental Arts) in Rome.
She completed the 4-year-yoga training course held by master Amadio Bianchi thanks to him she met numerous Ayuverdic doctors and Yoga masters from all over the world who enriched her knowledge with several point of views (ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti - Rg Veda). Mainly the meeting with Swami Ramaswarupanada will mark deeply her path and during her Indian stays she begins a spiritual search.
During her Indian journeys she starts to enter in the depth of this ancient and wise discipline searching for this unifying Knowledge. She is keeping on studying insight: Yogasana, Integral Yoga, ancient text (Bhagavad Gītā, Yoga Sūtra etc.) and Vedanta.
During her classes she promotes a structured integral view of Yoga accessible to any age and stage in life: from birth to old age. She had also collaborated with schools to promotes and educate students and teachers. Joining forces with a neurologist specialized in Parkinson’s disease, she created special classes tailored on this specific need, she experienced and received also an encouraging feedback on the diverse beneficial effects of Yoga on people effected by Parkinson’s disease.
Currently she is immersed in studying Sanskrit.

Tel. +39 347 8686360

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Daniela Laudani (Italy)

I discovered yoga when I was 17 years old  in Catania (Sicily - Italy), and from that moment, yoga has accompanied me throughout my life. I lived abroad a long time, I worked at the Italian Cultural Institute in Bratislava, Slovak Republic where I had the opportunity to work in an international team to organize several projects and conferences. The international environment and the frequent travel trip made me able to practice different stiles with different teachers. I have worked closely with the East Europe (Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian) Universities and Educational Institutions. After my return to Italy I started travelling abroad (Australia, Thailand, Indonesia and to India) developing a deeper knowledge of Indian culture and Yoga different interpretations.
I practiced with several teacher, in Rome (Iyengar), Bratislava (Yoga Darshana), Budapest (yoga studio) and Prague (Dum Yogi) where he studied Zen meditation with Sri Lankan community. I spent long periods in India, mainly in Mysore (Yogadarshanam) to learn elements of Ashtanga yoga and Mumbai (Yogatherapy). Always I still follow  my first yoga teacher, Francesca Zuco, in Catania (Viniyoga).
I practiced with Philippa Ashley (Ashtanga), Jadranko Miklec (vedic teachings), Janet Stone (Goa Yoga Festival), Amy Laundry, Antonio Nuzzo, Willy Van Lysebeth (Italy), Andrè Riehl (france). I studied with Mark Stevens (Yoga adjustments) in Prague and with other famous teachers studying different styles of yoga. In December 2014 I spent a month in Kerala to study Yoga and Ayurveda links. In December 2015 I was in Rishikesh and Amritsar (India) to deep my knowledge of traditional Hatha yoga and to study Mantra chanting in Devi Ashram.  I practiced in South Africa with Yoga works, studying technics for introducing yoga in International Companies. I went to Sydney for training in Mantra chanting. In Cagliari, I follow the training school of Yoga, Ayurveda and Yogatherapy C. Y. Surya of Amadio Bianchi as part of the staff.

In 2020 I concluded the Post Graduate Master of II level in University  La Sapienza in Rome, Faculty of Psychology in "Mindfulness: pratics, clinics and neurosciencies “.

Personal Contact Details
Address: Via Versilia 12, Cagliari, Italy
Mobile: 0039 329 6522902/3935553133

Employment History
Work experience:
From 2008: Hatha Yoga teacher, Cagliari
In this period, I
    • organize Yoga Workshops and Seminars
    • run regular courses of Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Yoga including Meditation lessons
    • give private lessons and follow some students with specific programs of Yoga Therapy
    • Give lessons of Yin Yoga
    • Regular meditation courses

200 hours Ashthanga teacher training – Mysore Yoga Alliance recognised
500 hours  Asthanga teacher training – Mysore Yoga Alliance recognised
600 hours  Hatha Yoga Teacher training with Amadio Bianchi – Swami Suryananda Saraswati (Italy)
200 hours Thai yoga teacher training  - Bangkok – Thailand
200 hours Yin Yoga teacher Training – London
Back School- Metodo Tosi - Siracusa
OLIT Training Olistico (ric. CONI) - Rome
30 hours Aerial yoga training – London

Post degree Second Level Master in Mindfulness, Neurosciences and Meditation – University La Sapienza  - Rome

Workshops held
2015: Yoga for back pain (Cagliari)
2016: Assisted asanas (Ozieri  - Sardinia)
2016: Yoga for couples (Oristano Sardinia)
2016: Sardinian Yoga Festival – Story telling with gong yoga
2017: Yoga for couples – Bergamo
2018: Anathomy of Yoga – Cagliari and Bergamo
2019: Effectiveness of Yoga in Vata management - Ahmedabad

Additional experience and qualification

Italian – native speaker
Slovak - excellent 
English – excellent – FCE and examinee at the University of Charles – Prague – Czech Republic
Spanish – intermediate (examinee both at the University of Catania – Italy – Language and Literature, and at the University of Charles)
French – elementary
Russian – elementary

Personal and professional references available on request
Translated books:

Preklad umeleckeho textu –A.  Popovic
Slovnik imunologie – J. Rovensky
Namestie v Mahringu – A. Hykkysh

Sloboda, Rankov, Hvorecky, Hykkish, and other contemporary Slovak authors for newspapers, artistic reviews and publications

I also translated different articles of yoga techniques for local use in Italy and for publishing in India

Taliancina na cesty
Taliancina krok za krokom

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Sara Ghisaura (England)

Sara discovered yoga in London when she was living here at the age of 25. When she moved back to Sardinia she graduated with her diploma from the International School of Yoga & Ayurveda, Milan, under the teaching of Amadio Bianchi in 2011.

2019 Create a new syllabus of yoga for sport “Yogaball” collaborating with football club like Juventus:
2008-2011 Teachers Course in Yoga under Master Amadio Bianchi (Mahamandaleshwara Swami Suryananda Saraswati) President of World Movement for Yoga European Federation; President of International School of Yoga & Ayurveda C.Y. Surya; Vice Presidente International Yoga Confederation Delhi;
General Co-ordinator of World Movement For Ayurveda Official Italian Confederation of Yoga; Ambassador to The World Community of Indian Culture and Traditional Diciplines;

2011 Sara trained in Yoga for Children in Cagliari, Sardinia at the Italian
Association for Children’s Yoga (A.I.Y.B) graduating with a diploma for
Children’s Yoga in association with the Medittarranean Federation
of Yoga.

2010 Diploma in Ayurvedic Massage under master Amadio Bianchi
(Mahamandaleshwara Swami Suryananda Saraswati).

Sara teaches Hatha Yoga and Yogaball in London and collaborate with Amadio Bianchi’s school of Ayurveda and Yogatherapy.

Tel. 0044 7414 295 391

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Vikrant Singh Tomar (India)

Dr. Vikrant Singh Tomar,
Dr. Vikrant Singh Tomar is a young acknowledged Trainer, academician, scholar, writer and a management consultant. He is an internationally certified NLP practitioner. Worked as a National Training Resource of INC- ICFAI, Hyderabad. He is a National Merit Award holder in Electronic Enabled Training of the Indian Society of Training & Development (ISTD), N.Delhi. As a freelance associate trainer he has served Cabinet Ministers of State, MLA (Members of Legislative Assembly), Indian Coast Guards (Ministry of Defence, Government of India), NITI Aayog, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), N. Delhi, National Investigation Agency (NIA), National Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT), Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya National Academy of Social Security" (PDUNASS), National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes & Narcotics, Faridabad, National Security Guards (NSG), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Border Security force (BSF), Indo- Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Sashastra Seema Bal(SSB) Academy, North Eastern Police Academy (NEPA),Telangana, MP, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, UP, Jharkhand Police Training Institutions, Central Prisons, Tihar Prisons, Indian Railway, Department of Forest, Oil and Natural Gas Company Ltd., Coal India, JNPT (Jawaherlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai), GAIL (Gas Authority of India Ltd.), BHEL, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Morgan Stanley, Maruti Suzuki Ltd., TATA International, Hindalco, Idea Cellular, LIC (Life Insurance Corporation), Dainik Bhasker, Ranbaxy, Kohler, Kirlosker, Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), National Productivity Council (NPC), & RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration. He has conducted many Express Talks, EDPs (Executive Development Program) & MDPs (Management Development Program) for more than 2.4 Lakh beneficiaries across the World. He has authored the book “Rule the world as Krishna Did” published from Author House Publications UK. Another book “Vedanta and Life Management” is under publication.
He is the founder Director of ‘United Consciousness Global’, an initiative operating in all six continents of the world for establishing Divine beyond Divides. Encouraged by the blessings of His Holiness Dalai Lama, He also is the Convener of ‘Global Institute of United Consciousness’ which is working for development of world’s first ‘Integrated Manual of Humanity’ and ‘Manual of Human Happiness’. He is the founder Director of Project Inc. USA one of its kind organization to promote Vedantic Philosophy and Culture across the World. He is the Director of European Yoga Federation, Italy, prestigious organization disseminating Yogic Teaching in all countries of Europe. He is the founder Director of Akshara Kids Academy, India, A social Initiative to promote ‘Vedic culture’ along with western acumen to the kids at elementary level education. He is the founder Director of UMS INDIA (Ultimate Management Solutions INDIA), One of the leading training and consultancy organization of India.
With more than 5000 man hours of training, he has been a proclaimed speaker at various national & international conferences on diverse relevant topics of management & philosophical interests. He addressed I-World Spiritual Parliament, Hyderabad, International Conference on Innovative Business Management as a Key Note speaker. His thoughts on “Impact Of Indian Philosophy On Modern Management” were also appreciated at Philosophy of Management conference, Oxford, London. His beneficiaries come from 30 countries and 100 organizations around the world. During these institutional, industrial, defence, Civil Services trainings he has covered diverse areas of professional & corporate excellence.
Has done graduation (BBA), post graduation (MBA in Marketing & HR) & Doctorate in Business Management. He has crafted a multidisciplinary vision by doing formal education in journalism (MJMC), and Public Administration (M.A.), Philosophy (M.A.) & Yoga (PGDYEP) with rank in university in all the above. Varied educational background has made him interdisciplinary and versatile in training & consultancy.
Authored the book “Rule the world as Krishna Did” published by Author House Publications UK.
He conducted extensive anti-Narcotic drug study “Impact and intensity of drug abuse among youth in the state of Madhya Pradesh 2019” It’s one of Its kind research with sample size of 7000 college students from all 52 districts of MP. This pathbreaking report was launched by the Honourable Chief Minister of MP. Considering the recommendation of the report, Chief Minister constituted ‘Narcotic Drug Policy Drafting Committee’ to further work towards the first ever drug policy of Madhya Pradesh.

He is the Director of:
United Consciousness Global, USA, A Global Initiative for creating an integrated world by removing barriers of limited identities and establishing holistic wellbeing.
Project self Inc., NJ, USA, One of its kind organization to promote Vedantic Philosophy and Culture across the World.
European Yoga Federation, Italy, prestigious organization disseminating Yogic Teaching in all countries of Europe.
UMS INDIA (Ultimate Management Solutions INDIA), One of the leading training and consultancy organization of India.
Akshara Kids Academy, India, A social Initiative to promote ‘Vaidic culture’ along with western acumen to the kids at elementary level education.

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